Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Devon and Declan

A recent commission.

Oil, 14 x 11 inches


  1. Wonderful work - so much of the kids' personalities show through in this painting. Nicely done!

  2. Very nice Rob, I love the way it's painted. The boy in the foreground has a great pose and look.

  3. Rob. your brush strokes are so damn good. You're like a wizard.

  4. Wuao man, love it, the faces are amazing, express what they are feeling or thinking, letting us think a lot more about the paint. Keep like that rob!

  5. A little late on my comments but what does come thru all the oils and sometimes doesn't make thru translation is as"mrlich ..personalities show.." and the intimacies of the boys. It's a direct connection to the viewer that we've known these neighbors kids as tots. Great work!!!
