Thursday, November 4, 2010

The NeverEnding Story

I began this illustration for fun as part of a challenge on I got distracted from it by other projects during the challenge but I eventually got back to it and then took my time varnishing it and getting it digitized. So here it is, a cover illustration for The NeverEnding Story.

Oil, 18 x 23 inches
(click to zoom)

I would like to say, I got excited about painting an illustration for The NeverEnding Story not only because the movie is a cherished childhood memory of mine, but also because I think the story is particularly effective for teaching kids how to understand metaphor in storytelling. If you remember the movie (or not), the main character is a troubled little boy, named Bastian, who reads a book titled The NeverEnding Story who's main character is a boy just like him in a fantasy land on a mythical quest. Through the story, Bastian learns to confront his problems in real life. Quite over-obvious to adults and there are many stories that are also obvious in this regard, but great for kids to learn that this metaphor is present, at least to some degree in all stories, even the ones they are told are "True."